Select the Framing Detail

Framer, Floor Framing & Rafters

You can select the detail of a framing line when adding or editing the framing line. Select the detail in the dialog box.

Select the detail from the list.
The name of the detail is displayed in the field.
Select the parameters by clicking the button.
  • Cut Line Parameters
  • Support line parameters - No parameters to be selected
  • Blocking line parameters - Select the offset of staggered blocking from the Offset list or type the desired value in the text field. From the list, you can select one of the following values:
    • 0
    • HALF - Half of the cross section
  • Ladder backer line parameters - Select the spacing in the dialog box. Select the spacing from the list or type the desired value in the text field.
Update detail parts
When the check box is selected, framing pieces in accordance with the detail will be added to the framing. A detail contains one or more pieces and their location information.