0201 Shaping a Beam End

  1. Select Modeling | Connection | Joint Profiles Connection Details.
  2. Select the folder Notch / Free in the browser.
  3. Select 0201 End shape.
  4. Select the ends of the beams (A). Select the beams one by one or use area selection.
  5. Select Confirm.
  6. The height of the beam (H) is read directly from the model. Select the other parameters in the Beam End Shape dialog box:
    • Peak total height (h1)
    • Peak height (h2)
    • Bot (h3)
    • Peak length (L1)
    • Step length (L2) - This parameter has an effect when Peak total height (h1) is smaller than Beam height.
    • Select whether the beam's top or bottom edge is shaped:
      • Top

      • Bottom side

  7. Confirm by clicking OK.