Add Material with a Library Feature
Start modeling a new part with a boss library feature, or add a boss library feature to an existing part in the working window.
- You can position a library feature using its handle. The feature's handle will snap to a face, a line, or a point on a line. Before positioning the library feature, you can rotate it, if necessary.
- A library feature that has been added to a part has no associativity to the original library feature, which means that the changes made to the library feature will not affect the library feature used in the part.
- You can edit the geometry of the library feature using the values in the dimension table.
Add a boss library feature as follows:
- Start adding the feature:
- Select the ribbon bar function Part | Library Feature |
Boss or
- Select the context-sensitive function Library Feature >
- The program opens the browser from Libraries > Features > ...
- Select the ribbon bar function Part | Library Feature |
- Find the feature from the feature library.
- Browse the feature library Browse - Archive.
- Select the feature you wish to add
- Double-click a feature or
- Click a feature and select the context-sensitive function
- The program opens the dimension table of the feature, if there are variables in the feature.
- Determine the dimensions of the feature using the dimension table.
- Select the appropriate dimension table row if the feature dimensions are locked.
- Enter the required dimensions for the variables.
- If necessary, you can start the context-sensitive function
Select from model for any variable
- Select OK.
- If the part has no geometry yet, the program will ask whether to add the feature as a part or a feature.
- If you select as a part, the feature's entire modeling history is imported into the part and the location of the feature is not asked.
- If you select as a feature, you will be prompted to click the location of the feature.
- Select a surface, line or point of the part as the location of the feature.
- Click a surface, line, or point on which to place the feature.
If you add a feature to an empty model, place it at the origin of the part model by entering the coordinates 0,0,0 in the
global coordinate system.
- The program switches to sketching mode.
- If necessary, add copies of the feature with the context-sensitive function:
Add Feature Copy.
- Click locations for the copies.
- Stop adding copies by selecting Confirm (Confirm = V key, middle mouse button or the context-sensitive function
- Position the feature and the copies of the feature with constraints.
- Confirm adding the features:
- Select Sketch | Return
OK or
- Select the context-sensitive function
- Select Sketch | Return
Note: A library feature will be displayed in a part feature tree as an operation: as a sketch and a feature. You can move the library feature on the part by selecting the sketch for editing from the feature tree. You can edit the library feature using the dimension table values by selecting the library feature editing function from the feature tree.
Note: About copies of a library feature:
- If you change the feature, also its copies change.
- If you mirror the feature, also its copies mirror.
- If you make a feature pattern out of a feature, you can also select copies of the feature to be included in the pattern or leave the copies out of the pattern.