Add a Configuration to a Part


  • You can use configurations to describe several parts that are somewhat different from each other in one part model.
  • You can also use configurations to describe the different manufacturing stages of a part.
  • There is no limit on the number of configurations.

Add a configuration to a part

  1. Select Configurations from the part's feature tree.
  2. Select the context-sensitive function Add Configuration.
  3. Enter a name for the configuration, if necessary.
    • By default, the program names configurations: Configuration1, Configuration2, etc.
  4. Select what dimension the configuration describes.
  5. If necessary, select the row of the dimension table that describes the size of the configuration.
  6. Save the data by clicking OK.

  • By default, a feature modeled in the configuration you added is only visible in that configuration.
    • You can restore the visibility of the feature in other configurations.
  • The drawing is always made of the configuration that is active.
  • However, you can import a new projection into the drawing that describes a different configuration.
  • You can choose which configuration the projection shows in the properties of the projection.
  • Rename a configuration with the context-sensitive function Properties.