Add a PDF or Raster Image to a Sketch
You can add a PDF or raster image to the bottom of a sketch to help sketching, after which you can select the raster as the sketch plane just like any other plane. The raster image is displayed in the feature tree as a feature and you can edit its size or move it after adding it. By default the raster is added to the XY plane. Add a PDF or raster image as follows:
- Select the context-sensitive function Raster picture in the model window.
- Select the file type in the browser window. You can select .tif, .tiff, .jpg, .jpeg, .bmp, .gif, .png, .lwi, .pdf or .jp2 files.
- Select the image that you want to add to the bottom of the skecth.
- Select Open. The program will add the image to the XY plane.
Note: If the setting
Bitmaps Used in Model into Model File is not selected in View Settings, rasters are displayed only after the model history has been run. If
Bitmaps Used in Model into Model File is selected, rasters are displayed immediately. The raster is saved either way in the model file (independent of the mentioned setting) so there is no need to deliver the raster independently from the model.