Sketch a Part
- First, start creating a new part model: Create a New Part to the Archives.
- Define the part properties, if necessary: Part Properties Dialog Box.
- Go to sketch mode
- Create a plane sketch: Create a New Plane Sketch.
- Create a 3D sketch: Create a New 3D Sketch.
Add geometry to a sketch
- Draw the geometry of a sketch by using the functions Sketch | Lines:
- Smart Line Chain.
- Polyline.
- Two-Point Line.
- Rectangle.
- Two Point Rectangle.
- Rounded Rectangle.
- Polygon.
- Circle (Center and Radii Point).
- Circle with Three Points.
- Slot (Obround).
- Spline.
- Closed Spline.
- Construction Line.
- Ellipse by Selecting Three Points (3D).
- Construction Circle.
- Curve Equation (3D) - Drawing Function-controlled Curves.
- If necessary, read a sketch from the library with the function Open Sketch
- Edit geometry lines as needed with the functions Sketch | Line Tools:
Define dimensions and geometric constraints
- Use the functions Sketch | Lines.
- Use Fast Dimensioning to Add Dimension Constraints.
- Add a Distance Constraint.
- Add an Angle Constraint.
- Add a Diameter Constraint.
- Add a Radius Constraint.
- Add an Arc or Spline Length Constraint.
- Add a Coincidence Constraint.
- Add a Parallel Constraint
- Add a Perpendicular Constraint.
- Add a Concentricity Constraint.
- Add an Equal Radius Constraint.
- Add an Equal Distance Constraint.
- Add a Tangential Constraint.
- Add a Symmetry Constraint.
- Add a Centering Constraint.
Use other sketching tools
- Create patterns from sketch geometry, if necessary: Create a Pattern From Sketch Geometry.
- Most of the time, you should create a pattern from a sketched feature.
- Add texts to the sketch, if necessary: Add a Text to a Sketch.
- Save the sketch to the library for later use, if necessary: Save a Sketch in the Library.
Stop sketching and select an operation
- Select the function Sketch | Return |
OK or the context-sensitive function
- This opens a menu to select the operation to be performed on the sketch.
- See: Features Based on a Sketch.
- Note that a 3D sketch always becomes a guide curve.
- To reject a sketch you have made, select Sketch |
Exit or the context-sensitive function