Mark a Flattening Face in a Model

Sheet-Metal Design

The flattening face (inner surface) of a sheet-metal part can be marked with a texture.

  • When the flattening for the sheet-metal part has been performed once, the texture is automatically added to the indicated surface chain.
  • The flattening side (inner surface) can be displayed in a model by selecting the sheet part in the assembly.
Figure 1: The surface chain is marked with a dashed line texture (default).
Note: If the texture is not shown in the selected sheet part, the marking of flattening surfaces with textures is not enabled or the sheet part has not yet been flattened.

Defining a Texture in the Settings

You can specify the desired texture or disable it as follows:

  1. Select System Preferences Edit.
  2. Select Administrator's View.
  3. Open the keyword group Bend.
  4. Select Mark unfold inside surfs.
  5. Select the keyword: MarkUnfoldInsideSurfs
  6. Define the texture properties in the Value field: For example:
    • Texture - Enabled = 1 or Disabled = 0.
    • Texture type - Dashed line = 12
    • Texture scale = 3.0
  7. Select OK.