Select a Material Item for a Sheet Metal Part
Sheet-Metal Design
- When Vertex G4 is used without Vertex Flow, the items needed for sheet metal parts can be added to the material item database for sheet metal parts (d_SMDSPEC) and supplemented with data related to the processing of sheet metal parts.
- The material database for sheet metal parts is like an extract of the regular material database (d_COMPONENTS), which has been supplemented.
- See item database management: Add or Edit the Item Data of a Part.
When the material selection is based on a Flow database
If you are connected to Flow, select a material item for a sheet-metal part in Flow with the Select button.
- The material selection will also determine the plate thickness.
- But you have to define other parameters of the sheet metal part separately, such as the stretch calculation.
When the material selection is based on a Vertex database.
When you do not have the Vertex Flow data management system, define for the part:
- Item data and parameters required for sheet metal part by selecting them from the material database of sheet metal parts (d_SMDSPEC) in the following functions:
- Or select the item data for the part Add or Edit the Item Data of a Part and
- complete the properties of the sheet metal part Sheet Metal Parameters