Save a Sketch in the Library
- At any time, you can save a planar sketch to the sketch library with the context-sensitive function Save to Library.
- Sketch lines, texts, and such constraints that have been added between sketch elements, or between sketch elements and the origin point of the sketching coordinate system, i.e., the lines of the origin, are saved in the sketch.
- The origin of the sketching coordinate system will be saved as the insertion point of the sketch.
- The formula definitions of dimension constraints of a sketch will be saved in a sketch.
- When the sketch is saved, also the browser image of the sketch is automatically saved. The sketch file extension is .vxm and the browser image extension is .jpg.
- The geometry of a sketch saved in the library cannot be opened for editing later, but you can read it into an empty sketch and make changes there and save it again. Note that in this way, the auxiliary lines symbolizing the origin of the sketch increase with each save.
- You can delete or rename the sketch library sub folder using the Windows Explorer, as the Vertex G4 sketch libraries are not managed using archive databases. You can also delete or rename a library sketch, provided that you rename both library sketch files (*.vxm and *.jpg). Notice the naming rule.
- See Naming.
Starting point
- You are in the planar sketch of a part model.
- The sketch has geometry.
Save a planar sketch in the library
- Select the context-sensitive function
Save to Library.
- The program opens the dialog box Save to Library.
- Select the folder, or create a new folder.
- The default folder is ../vxg4*/shared/sketch
- If you create folders, create it under the above folder or under its sub folder.
- Enter a name for the sketch file.
- Select Save.
- The program adds .vxm as the file type.
- The browser image gets the same name, but the file type becomes .jpg.