Move a Part from an Assembly to Another


  • If an assembly's final structure is not clear yet, you can design the structure by attaching and modeling parts first to the main assembly.
  • Move parts to their final subassembly or back later.
  • The part numbers are removed from the moved parts automatically and only the constraints between parts transfer to the new assembly.
  • The function changes both the source and the target assembly's model.
  • The function is irreversible, but you can cancel it with the Cancel function or with the shortcut key Ctrl+Z if you cancel the function immediately after moving.

Move a part to another assembly

  1. Select a part or an assembly to be moved.
  2. Select from the context-sensitive menu Other functions > Change assembly.
  3. Select the target assembly in the feature tree.
  4. Confirm the moving by selecting Confirm (Confirm = V key, middle mouse button or the context-sensitive function OK).
    • The program tells you that the action is irreversible and asks: Continue?
  5. Select Yes to move the part to another assembly structure.