Select Feature Elements

Defines the elements to be selected for a feature, such as line, point, face or part, based on which the feature will be modeled. Edit the element selection or add elements using the functions in the dialog box.

View an element by selecting it from the list. Move to a next line in the list with the Cursor keys. The selected element is highlighted in a different color in the model.

Dialog Box Options

Move to an empty line in the list when adding an element. Click the Add button and select one or more elements from the model. Select Confirm.
When the order in which elements are selected affects the modeling of the feature, for example, when section faces are selected for lofting, you can add a new element between previously selected ones by first selecting an element from the list and adding the element in front of it As an example, selecting cross section faces of the loft.
Change an incorrect element by first selecting the element from the list, then click the Change button and select a new element.
Delete an element by first selecting the element from the list and then click the Delete button.
Preview by clicking the Apply button in the dialog box. This will show you how the model would look if you confirmed the feature data by clicking OK. If necessary, you can still edit the selections.