Face Modeling Functions
Advanced Face Modeling Package
- The majority of the functions in the Faces group are part of the basic software package.
- Some functions require a separate add-on option, including:
- Fill a gap.
- Create tangential faces.
- In Deform, some of the functionality is not available without an add-on option.
- You can create the face model yourself and then turn it into a volume later.
- You can also use face modeling functions to work with imported models.
Add Faces
- You can add faces directly in 3D sketching or first sketch the guide lines and create faces based on them.
- Add a Face
Copy a Face
Remove Faces
Flip a Face's Direction
Make Tangential Faces
- This functionality requires the Advanced Face Modeling Functions option.
- You can create a tangential face by selecting faces in the model, which will then be replaced by faces that are tangential to the surroundings.
- Create Tangential Faces
Fill in the Gaps Between Faces
- This functionality requires the Advanced Face Modeling Functions option.
- You can fill a gap in a model with a tangential face. A gap is a face missing from the model.
- Fill a Gap
Move Faces
- You can move faces in such a way that the adjacent faces continue in a natural manner and no new faces are created.
- Move Faces
Tweak Faces
- You can fit the faces together by selecting the faces and trimming them to other surfaces in such a way that the adjacent faces continue naturally. You can utilize the free faces of other parts in the modeling.
- Tweak Faces of One Part to Another
Extend Faces
- You can extend a face shape that has or could have been created by sweeping.
- Extend Faces
Offset Faces
- You can define the offset to the face selected from the model.
- Offset Faces
Single Face Several Faces
Stretch a Part
- You can stretch the desired area of a model.
- Stretch the Geometry of a Part
Rotate Part
- You can twist the desired area of a model.
- Twist a Part around the Axis
Bend a Part
- You can bend the model according to the specified radius or angle around a particular bending axis in proportion to the reference level.
- Bending
- You can define the offset to the face selected from the model.
Deform the Face of a Part
- You can deform the face of a part by stretching the lines or points generated on the face.
- Deform Faces
- Some of this functionality requires the Advanced Face Modeling Functions option.