Add a New Thread Database
- If the thread tools of Vertex G4 (in the context-sensitive function
Thread symbol) do not contain the special threads you need, you can add a completely new thread database yourself, if necessary.
- You can also modify an existing database to suit you Complete the Thread Database.
- You should create a thread database by copying an old thread database as a base and modify the contents of this database as desired.
- The new thread database must be "released" to be visible on the Vertex G4 by adding information about it to the d_THREADS database.
Create a new thread database
- Copy an old database from the system/dbases directory to the custom/dbases directory with a new name
- For example, the files d_thread_UNk and d_thread_UNkc of the inch thread database
- Change the names, for example d_thread_MY and d_thread_MYc
- Drag the copied and renamed file (for example d_thread_MY) to the Vertex G4 window.
- The program opens the database in card format.
- You can use the arrow keys or the scroll bar to browse the list.
- At the bottom of the card you see a number, for example 10/160, which means that you are editing the tenth row of the database and the database has a total of 160 rows.
- Select Edit as list.
- The program opens a list-format view of the database.
- Delete unnecessary rows.
- Select the first row to be deleted.
- Hold down the Shift key and select the last row to be deleted.
- Select the context-sensitive function
Delete row.
- Add a new row, or modify the data in the old row to fit the new thread, if necessary.
- Select a database row.
- Select the context-sensitive function
Add row before or
Add row after.
- Fill in the row data. In the example below, d_thread_UNK, inch thread database content.
- Thread = Thread label, based on which the thread is displayed in the context-sensitive function
Thread symbol.
- d = Nominal thread dimension in millimeters.
- d1 = Thread base dimension in millimeters.
- P = Rise marking
- in = 1 means it is an inch thread.
- SUM = The code that comes after the thread size in the drawing.
- Thread = Thread label, based on which the thread is displayed in the context-sensitive function
- Confirm the database content by clicking OK.
Release the new thread database
- Select System | Application > Thread..
- The program opens the database d_THREADS for editing.
- Select a database row.
- Add a new row by using the context-sensitive function
Add row before or
Add row after.
- Fill in the row data.
- Standard/Description = With this description, you select the thread database.
- Database = Database name, for example d_thread_MY
- Order = Order number by which the databases are listed.
- If necessary, edit the order numbers of rows 1, 2 … n
- Confirm the database content by clicking OK.
- The program saves the database d_THREADS in the custom/dbases directory, not over the original database system/dbases/d_THREADS.
- If the system has a database with the same name (d_THREADS) in both the system/dbases and custom/dbases directories, the program uses the database in the custom/dbases directory.
Note that in the main version upgrade, almost all (except system/programs/network.bat) files in the system folder are replaced with new files of the main version, so you should not save any customer-specific data under the system folder.