Complete the Thread Database


  • If the thread tools of Vertex G4 (in the context-sensitive function Thread symbol) do not contain the special threads you need, you can edit the existing database to suit yourself.
  • You can also create a completely new thread database Add a New Thread Database.

Complete the Thread Database

  1. Drag the thread database you want to edit (for example d_thread_UNk) to the Vertex G4 window.
    • The program opens the database in card format.
    • You can use the arrow keys or the scroll bar to browse the list.
    • At the bottom of the card you see a number, for example 5/164, which means that you are editing the fifth row of the database and the database has a total of 164 rows.
  2. Select Edit as list.
    • The program opens a list-format view of the database.
  3. Delete unnecessary rows.
    1. Select the first row to be deleted.
    2. Hold down the Shift key and select the last row to be deleted.
    3. Select the context-sensitive function Delete row.
  4. Add a new row, or modify the data in the old row to fit the new thread, if necessary.
    1. Select a database row.
    2. Select the context-sensitive function Add row before or Add row after.
  5. Fill in the row data. In the example below, d_thread_UNK, inch thread database content.
    • Thread = Thread label, based on which the thread is displayed in the context-sensitive function Thread symbol.
    • d = Nominal thread dimension in millimeters.
    • d1 = Thread base dimension in millimeters.
    • P = Rise marking
    • in = 1 means it is an inch thread.
    • SUM = The code that comes after the thread size in the drawing.
  6. Confirm the database content by clicking OK.
    • The program asks: Save changes?
  7. Select Yes, if you want to save the changes you have made.
    • The program saves the database, for example d_thread_UNk in the custom/dbases directory, not over the original database system/dbases/d_thread_UNk.
    • If the system has a database with the same name (d_thread_UNk) in both the system/dbases and custom/dbases directories, the program uses the database in the custom/dbases directory.
    • Note that in the main version upgrade, almost all (except system/programs/network.bat) files in the system folder are replaced with new files of the main version, so you should not save any customer-specific data under the system folder.