Different Dimension Tables


A dimension table opens with a different appearance in different situations and the functionality is also different
  • In sketching.
  • In a part model.
    • You can edit the values ​​of all variables associated with the part.
    • You can enter descriptions for the variables in the dimension table.
    • You can add rows to the dimension table that describe allowed or recommended sizes.
    • Edit the Dimension Table of a Part Model.
  • In an assembly model.
    • You can edit all variable values ​​related to the assembly and its local parts.
    • You can enter descriptions of variables related to assembly constraints in the dimension table.
    • You can change the dimensions of all components of the same size by selecting a new dimension table row.
    • You can add rows to the dimension table that describe allowed or recommended sizes.
    • Edit the Dimension Table of an Assembly.
  • When adding a feature.
  • When adding a component.

Dimension table of a sketch

Dimension table of a part model

Dimension table of an assembly

Dimension table of a feature

Dimension table of a component